101st Female Protagonist | |
Toplam Okunma: 92652 |
A Shoulder to Cry On | |
Toplam Okunma: 50087 |
Toplam Okunma: 9639 |
Toplam Okunma: 17349 |
Charlotte’s Letter | |
Toplam Okunma: 9973 |
College Student Empress | |
Toplam Okunma: 9739 |
Golden Time (Light and Shadow - 2) | |
Toplam Okunma: 10023 |
Holy Chef, Crazy Empress | |
Toplam Okunma: 45994 |
I am the Precious Daughter of the Greatest Villain in the Fantasy World | |
Toplam Okunma: 13105 |
I Only Love Hana | |
Toplam Okunma: 14868 |
I Took My Warmonger Husband’s Child | |
Toplam Okunma: 1359 |
Ijousha no Ai | |
Toplam Okunma: 12691 |
Itan Empire’ın Jacheongbi | |
Toplam Okunma: 3488 |
Joseon’s Ban on Marriage | |
Toplam Okunma: 24994 |
Mother, i’m sorry | |
Toplam Okunma: 8304 |
Mr Ghost’s Dark Philosopy | |
Toplam Okunma: 681 |
Onsaemiro | |
Toplam Okunma: 9085 |
Ouji-sama mo Kabocha no Basha mo | |
Toplam Okunma: 392 |
Somewhere in The Parallel Universe | |
Toplam Okunma: 290 |
Special Preference or Deeply Into the Play | |
Toplam Okunma: 1802 |
The Emperor’s Companion | |
Toplam Okunma: 51880 |
Toplam Okunma: 4503 |
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